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Creating content is a collaboration. Here are some great articles and advice for you. Enjoy. Leave a reply and share your thoughts.
Using the Art of Storyboarding to Visualize Films

By Sarah Amy Leung When making a film, the pre-production stages are just as important as creating the film itself. One of the most integral parts of film pre-production is storyboarding. Storyboarding creates an outline of a creator’s vision of their product. Explaining Storyboards A storyboard creates the filmmaker’s template to their film. Many fields […]

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The Evolution of Filmmaking

By Natasha Cooper The wonders of film have been captivating audiences for roughly one hundred and thirty years now.  But of course, we have seen many changes in this entertainment and art form.  This blog will take a look at the evolution of film, with a focus on Hollywood and study its origins, and progressions […]

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The Future of Filmmaking in the Next Decade

By Natasha Cooper In 2023, the world has found itself in an increasingly complex and ever-changing position in terms of creative output.  A global pandemic, streaming services, and now writer and actor strikes have undeniably changed the game within the film industry, and that goes without considering the immense impact technological developments have had and […]

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AR and VR in Immersive Storytelling

By Sarah Amy Leung Throughout history, humans have expanded the ways they continue to tell stories. Whether orally, textually, or visually, stories carry humans’ desire to communicate meaning with others. Here at Virtual Film School, our four-week VR/AR Storytelling and Production course offers students a chance to craft new stories using immersive technology. Immersive technology […]

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“Is It Right For Me?” Understanding the Benefits of Online Learning

By Olivia Condlln-Wilby During the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world had their lives turned upside down as entire countries went into months-long quarantines. Students had to adapt quickly to remote classes, which saw them logging into Zoom or Brightspace for lessons rather than walking across campus to a lecture hall. As a student myself, […]

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The Magic of Film Editing: How to Transform Raw Footage into a Cinematic Masterpiece

Film editing is where the magic happens. It's where raw footage is transformed into a captivating story that can make us laugh, cry, or sit on the edge of our seats. And in the world of social media, where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, editing is more important than ever. So, how […]

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Why You Don't Need a Big Budget to Make a Great Film

Lights, camera, action! But wait, where's the big budget? The high-end equipment? The star-studded cast? Well, here's a secret: you don't need any of that to make a great film. Welcome to the world of low-budget filmmaking, where creativity reigns supreme and your vision is the star of the show.  The Power of Low-Budget Filmmaking In […]

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Storyboarding for Social Media: A Guide for Aspiring Influencers and Content Creators

In today's digital age, visual storytelling is a powerful tool for communication. It's no longer just about writing captivating posts or sharing stunning photos. Videos have become an integral part of social media, with platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube leading the way. For aspiring influencers and content creators, especially those without big production teams, […]

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Why Choose Virtual Film School Canada? Exploring the Benefits of Practical Education

By Olivia Condlln-Wilby For generations, young people were expected to follow a particular path: finish high school, attend college or university, find a stable job, and work there until retirement. But nowadays, students of all ages and walks of life are carving a new path, choosing to build their knowledge through lived experience as much […]

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The Future of Filmmaking: Embracing New Media Amidst the Writers' Strike

Hello, future filmmakers and social media influencers! Today, we're diving into the deep end of a hot topic that's been making waves in the industry: the current Writers Guild of America strike and the rise of Large Language Models like ChatGPT in the writing world. But don't worry, we're not here to spread doom and […]

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